WWE legend Hulk Hogan ‘can no longer feel his legs’ after back surgery

Hulk Hogan, the retired American professional wrestler, has lost feeling in his legs following recent surgery.

By Stermy

According to information obtained by Townflex, former American professional wrestler Hulk Hogan can no longer feel anything in his lower body and requires a cane to walk following recent back surgery.

This information was revealed to the public by Hulk’s colleague, Kurt Angle on the latest “Kurt Angle Show” where he talked about his appearance at the WWE Raw 30th anniversary show.

According to Angle, 54, while reflecting on his interactions with Hogan, 69, backstage said that Hogan has had his back surgery done again but this time around the nerves were cut off from his lower body making him not feel anything at all on that side of his body, not even pains.

Speaking on The Kurt Angle Show, he said: “I did speak to Hulk Hogan for a bit of time for about a half hour and I also spoke to Undertaker for about a half hour.

“Those two guys are the two guys that I wanted to catch up with when I went there, so I was very happy to be able to do that.”

“Hogan had his back surgery again. He had the nerves cut from his lower body. He can’t feel his lower body, so he has to use his cane to walk around.

‘I thought he was using the cane because he has pain in his back. He doesn’t have any pain. He has nothing at all. He can’t feel anything.

‘So now he can’t feel his legs, so he has to walk with a cane. That’s pretty serious, man. I mean, I really feel for Hogan. He put his heart and soul into the business and it ate him up.’

Hogan had previously mentioned back and hip problems caused by years of ring bumps, specifically the leg drops he delivered during his matches.

In retrospect, the 69-year-old Hulk Machine wishes he had done something different.

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