How To Apply For Ghana Prisons Service 2021

By Stermy

The Ghana Prisons Service invites suitable and qualified Ghanaians who are interested in
public safety through safe custody, welfare, reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners to
apply for recruitment and enlistment.

The Ghana Prisons Service as a key stakeholder of the Criminal Justice System of Ghana contributes to the maintenance of internal security by maintaining an efficient, humane, and safe reformatory penal system operated within the laws of Ghana.

Ghana Prisons Service RECRUITMENT 2021: The Ghana Prisons Service made it known to the public that they are ready to receive job applicants into its service via their official website in an 11 page word document signed by FRANCIS OMANE-ADDO
the director of Prisons HRD.

According to GPS, the Sales of e-voucher commence on 25th August 2021 and ends on 15th September 2021. whiles the Online registration starts on 25th August 2021 and ends on 20th September 2021.

The Ghana Prisons Service wishes to inform the general public against dealing with
middlemen. asking Ghanaians not to pay money to anyone except for the purchase of e-voucher at the designated banks.


All recruitment and enlistment applications must be done online only. The application processis as follows:

1. Purchase an e-voucher at the cost of hundred Ghana Cedis [GH100.00] only through the
following medium:

  • a. At any GCB Bank Limited branch across the country or using the shortcode
    (USSD) *422*471# on your mobile phone.
  • b. At any Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG) branch across the country or using the
    short code (USSD) *924*200# on your mobile phone.

2. Use your Serial Number [SN] and Pin Code [PIN] to access the application form online at
the website address:

3. All applicants must have a passport size picture of dimensions 200×200 pixels of
JPEG/JPG/PNG with size not exceeding 1.0MB ready to be uploaded.

4. Carefully read ALL INSTRUCTIONS before you apply.

5. The online application form is accessible only by the SN and PIN.

6. Keep your UNIQUE NUMBER on the summary report for all the stages of the
recruitment and selection process.

7. ALL correspondence with applicants will be done through e-mail, text messages and
the e- recruitment portal only.

8. Only Short-listed Applicants will be invited for further stages of the recruitment and
the enlistment exercise.



1. Applicants who meet the initial requirements will be short-listed and invited to centres
they selected during the online application.

2. Short-listed applicants will be invited for the following:

  • a. Physical and Body screening
  • b. Inspection and verification of all necessary documents
  • c. Aptitude Test

3. Artisans, sportsmen/women and bandsmen who are successful in item 2 above will go
through a competency-based assessment in Accra.

4. Applicants who are shortlisted after items 2 and 3 above will undergo a medical
examination at a medical facility selected by the Service.

5. Results submitted during the application process shall be verified at WAEC and other
appropriate examination bodies hence Applicants who present false documents would
be arrested and prosecuted.

6. Applicants who are successful in item 4 above will go through a thorough criminal and
background check.

7. Applicants who are cleared of criminal records will be invited to commence

Please visit the Ghana Prisons Service e-recruitment portal for more information: the website is

Click to access requirements.pdf


Functions of GPS

The core functions of the Ghana Prisons Service as spelt out in Section (1) of NRCD 46 (1972) are as follows:

1. Safe custody of prisoners.
2. Welfare of prisoners.
3. Reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners.

It shall be the duty of the Prisons Service to ensure the safe custody and welfare of prisoners and whenever practicable to undertake the Reformation and Rehabilitation of prisoners.

Every prison officer shall perform such functions as are by law conferred upon a Prison Officer and shall obey all lawful orders and direction in respect of the execution of his office which he may receive from his superiors in the Prisons Service.

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