Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks out against rise in hate crime and antisemitism

By Stermy

Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered a compelling message on social media, directing it towards individuals who have veered towards the path of hate.

In his 12-minute speech, the renowned actor and former California governor condemned antisemitism and implored those who have lost their way to rediscover their inner strength.

Despite branding those who have embraced hateful ideologies as “losers”, Schwarzenegger encouraged them that it’s never too late to turn things around.

He shared his father’s encounters during World War II and his own visit to Auschwitz, the Nazi concentration camp, as poignant examples.

“I want to talk to the people out there who might have already stumbled in the wrong direction into the wrong path,” the Terminator star said.

“I want to talk to you if you’ve heard some conspiracies about Jewish people, or people of any race or gender orientation, and thought ‘that makes sense to me’.

“I want to talk to you if you’ve found yourself thinking about anyone that is inferior and out to get you because of their religion or the colour of their skin or their gender.

“I don’t know the road that has brought you here but I’ve seen enough people throw away their futures for hateful beliefs. So I want to speak to you before you find your regrets in the end of the path.”

He added that everybody holds prejudice, but by looking for scapegoats, we take away our own responsibility.

“Nobody who has chosen the easy path of hate has got to the end of that road and said, ‘Oh, what a life’,” he declared.

“No. They die as miserably as they lived.”

He went on to state there had ‘never been a successful movement based on hate’, branding the Nazi, Confederate and Apartheid movements as ‘losers’.

“I don’t want you to be a loser. I don’t want you to be weak. I’ve spent most of my life helping people find their strength,” he continued. “I care about you.

“Your mind and your character are no different than your body and your muscles.

“If you want to grow as a person, you really have to make friends with pain. Embrace the discomfort. Enjoy the struggle.

“No matter how far you’ve gone, you still have a chance to choose a life of strength… you have to fight the war against yourself…The other path is easier.

“I don’t care how many hateful things you may have written online. I don’t care how often you have marched carrying that hateful flag, or what hateful things you may have said in anger.

“There’s still hope. There’s still time for you. Choose strength. Choose life. Conquer your mind. You can do it.”

Watch the video below.

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