Bryan Cranston: ‘MAGA’ is racist because ‘when was it ever great in America for the African-American?’

By Stermy

Actor Bryan Cranston explained on Sunday’s edition of Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace why former President Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again movement – and the MAGA phrase that arose from it – is fundamentally racist.

“The Make America Great again – my comment is, do you, do you, do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark? And most people, a lot of people go, ‘how could that be racist? Make America Great Again?” Cranston recalled.

“I said, ‘so just ask yourself from, from an African-American experience, when was it ever great in America for the African-American? When was it great?'” he would reply.

Because of the engrained history of racism in the United States, Cranston posited, “So if you’re making it great again, it’s not including them.”

Cranston also argued that the onus is on white people to accept the darkness of the past, regardless of how uncomfortable it is.

“So it’s, it’s to teach us in the woke world to open up and, and accept the possibilities that our privilege has created blind spots for us,” he said. “And maybe I haven’t seen what is really happening yet in all my years.”

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