Can Men Say No To S3x – All You Need To Know About Twitter’s New Trend

Twitter is currently going wild with #CanMenSayNoToS3x tweets all over the platform. Have you heard about the trend? If No is your answer, hop on and let me tell you all that you missed. Well, where should I even start? Okay, It all started after a certain South African woman posed a question as to why women always demanded loyalty and financial independence from their boyfriends. Interesting, isn’t it? Hahaha

She continued, saying that, yet women do not put as much commitment into their relationship as they expect their male counterparts. This, in turn, resulted in her asking the question “can men say no to s3x?” This question tended to cause a lot of outbursts on the reknown social media platform with everyone sharing his or her opinion on the matter.Twitter Trends

While some stated unequivocally that men can be in a relationship without s3x, others held a different opinion. Some individuals went even further to attest that they were labeled as gây or lesbians for refusing sexual temptation in relationships. I bet you are loving where this is heading. That’s not even all! some sect of people surprisingly enough were bold to say that the only way to steal a man’s heart is through s3x.

Below are a handful of such tweets that’s gonna make your day.

With over 5000 tweets and beyond, the #CanMenSayNoToSex continues to dominate Twitter with every single person taking a snipe at the questions. So dear readers, what do you think? Can men really say no to s3x? I leave the ball in your cult. Until we meet again, STAY BLESSED!!!!

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