EC debunks rigging claims by NDC

By Majesty 2 Min Read

The National Democratic Congress’s (NDC) accusations that the government is working with the Electoral Commission to rig the 2024 elections have been refuted by Samuel Tettey, the Deputy Chairperson of the Electoral Commission overseeing operations. 

The NDC said that President Akufo-Addo had been strengthened by the Electoral Management body, despite criticising him for his remarks about not giving up power to someone he had previously defeated.

On Thursday, May 16, the NDC cautioned the EC from tampering with the elections to benefit the NPP during a news conference. 

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However, Deputy Electoral Commissioner Samuel Tettey stated that election tampering is impossible due to the electoral process while speaking to the media in Accra on Friday, May 17. 

The deputy commissioner urged political parties to ensure that their agents are properly trained to actively monitor the polls, stressing that the EC cannot be held accountable for the results of elections. 

Elections are won at the polls, not at the EC offices, he continued. 

It is impossible to rig an election in Ghana because the electoral process is transparent, includes all the required checks, and involves the participation of all stakeholders, especially the political parties. 

The Electoral Commission is in no position to rig the general election for any political party in 2024.” During the press conference, the Electoral Commission (EC) also said that voter ID card replacement for anyone affected by the Akosombo dam leak will be provided at no cost beginning on Thursday, May 30.

Regarding the total number of new registrants, the EC reported that, as of this writing, 391,111 new voters have signed up for limited voter registration.

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