#Endsars: (Video) angry protesters nearly beat up Mark Angel, accused him of using them for comedy

By Stermy 1 Min Read

Angry Endsars protesters almost beat up popular Nigerian comedian, Mark Angel with them thinking he was about to you them for a comedy skit.

In a trending video on social media saw the comedian surrounded by angry youths who were accusing him of filming them for his comedy skit amid their ongoing Endsars protest.

It could be heard in the video one of the protesters shouting he [Mark] is shooting to use them for his comedy show.

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Mark Angel and another protester were seen pleading with the angry youths to cool down their temper, explaining to them that he was not filming for a comedy skit. watch the video below.

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#EndSars: Mark Angel Almost Beaten Up By Angry Protesters Who Accused Him Of Using Them For Comedy. . . Follow @mediagist for more exclusive updates.

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Source: Townflex.com

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By Stermy
Stermy is one Crazy fan of the word "Internet". Always online to stay informed and keep others updated. #townflex