Fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account Spotted: Asking Fans For Money, Trying To Spoil Kuami’s Brand

By Stermy

A fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account has been spotted, identified using the name “Eugene Kwame Marfo” under the username of @kuamieugeneofficial.

This account is just created with the motive of pretending to be the Lynx Entertainment singer, and to tarnish his image and reputation.

The said account have just few hundreds of followers unlike Kuami’s official account which have over 1.2millon followers.

Most of you do not know who i am here, my name is Stermy, a blogger and the CEO of Townflex.com and the very article you are reading has been written by me. Try read this post to the end, as i will be given you more info.

I don’t know why some people do create pages, trying to be people they are not. trying to destroy someone’s reputation built with a lot of hard work. This act is done across all the Social Media platforms.

Now let’s get back to what i started above, em! so i have received multiple reports on the above mentioned Instagram account, with complains that the user is demanding money from followers in the name of Kuami Eugene.

Wait, just a moment, i received thus messages / reports because i own a Facebook page under the name “Kuami Eugene News” News ooo News not just Kuami Eugene. And my page is only dedicated to sharing with its fans recent and useful updates from the Rockstar. It also have a well written description and an automatically generated message for first time messages, telling them this page does not belong to the singer nor is it connected to his team, telling more on what the page does.

Okay guys, so thanks for reading the paragraph above, does how come i recieved the reports, people seem to know me and know my realness cos i often give advises to my followers and guidance on using social media to avoid all that.

In this article of mine, i will be putting here the official Instagram account and Facebook page for Kuami Eugene coming up below.

So in my reports, it shows that the user “@kuamieugeneofficial”, is using his account to contact followers, telling them he he is the Lynx Entertainment singer and that he is having a problem with his verified instagram account.

And not just that, he is also asking the followers for help with money, saying he needs help secretly and do not want to ask his people, (family, friends and management team).

Waah look at that, that guy be very funny, and why will someone even fall for this cheap lie. 🤣🤪

See below the screenshot of the Fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account below, and i will be needing your helps to report it to Instagram.

Fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account

Requesting for money from fan 


Fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account Spotted: Asking Fans For Money, Trying To Spoil Kuami's Brand


Fake Kuami Eugene Instagram Account Spotted: Asking Fans For Money, Trying To Spoil Kuami's Brand


What Are His Real Social Media Accounts?
So as i said earlier, it is time to share with you the official accounts for The the musician, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram you need to know them so that you don’t fall victim.

  1. See Instagram Page
  2. See Facebook Page
  3. See Twitter Page

For all news and updates on him you can follow my page, Kuami Eugene News on Facebook for all updates certified. and feel free to inbox.

So my advice to you guys, especially the ladies is to be very cautious when chatting with such accounts, some of them are not the real accounts of the celebrities, it’s just created to dupe people. They somtimes ask ladies to send their nude pics etc.

Always check out the number of followers on the account you are chatting with, check out the description of the page to see what it says.

Thank you for reading, try to SHARE it so it can help a friend out there.

Thanks To You Guys For Reporting The Page, It Seems It Has Been Taken Down Or He Has Deleted It Himself Or He Has Changed The Name !!


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Source: Townflex.com

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