Liha Miller reveals they separated a few months after their wedding

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Liha Miller & Patapaa

The German spouse of Agona-Swedru performer Patapaa Amisty has disclosed that, contrary to popular belief, she is no longer wed to the artist. 

Liha Miller disclosed during an interview at the airport that their marriage disintegrated a few months after the nuptials due to problems in their relationship. 

She went on to say that she left the marriage and asked for a divorce after realising this, but Patapaa didn’t listen to her. 

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Liha claims that she hasn’t spoken to the One Corner hitmaker in over two years, but she has been in contact with his parents in order for them to conclude their divorce.

Liha Miller reveals they separated a few months after their wedding

No. He is my husband or ex-husband. We are no more for a very long time. People don’t need to know because it is my private life. Many people are thinking wrongly and I have to clear it up a little bit. I got married to Patapaa in 2021 but the marriage did not work out.

We are officially married and in Ghana, it is a process. We got divorced and we are in the process of ending everything. Patapaa and me we are not talking for years. The last time I saw him was after the wedding and when I left we never spoke. I asked for a divorce but he did not take it seriously,” she said.

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