Shocking: Maid Caught Trying to Poison Children with Urine and Menstrual Blood! (+VIDEO)

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A shocking video has emerged online showing a woman confronting her maid after catching her trying to poison her children with a bucket containing urine and menstrual blood.

The incident reportedly occurred on Tuesday night, March 14, 2023, in an undisclosed location.

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The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the woman narrating how she had hired the maid in December 2022, and had taken good care of her since then.

She disclosed that she had bought her new underwear, sanitary towels for her menstrual cycle, and had personally helped her burn her used pads to ensure proper disposal.

The woman also revealed that she had been doing most of the house chores to avoid overworking the maid, who reportedly rarely bathed or brushed her teeth.

Shocking: Maid Caught Trying to Poison Children with Urine and Menstrual Blood! (+VIDEO)

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She further disclosed that she had to remove the maid from her children’s room because she always stained their beddings with blood, which left a foul odor in the room.

Despite her efforts to take care of the maid, the woman was shocked to discover that the maid had planned to harm her children.

According to the woman, she woke up around 1 am on Tuesday night and caught the maid mixing her urine and menstrual blood in a bucket.

When she questioned the maid, she confessed that she had planned to put the mixture in the children’s water bottle.

The woman is seen in the video angrily confronting the maid and demanding an explanation for her actions.

The maid, who appears remorseful, is seen apologizing and pleading for forgiveness. The video has sparked outrage on social media, with many people condemning the maid’s actions and praising the woman for her vigilance.

It is unclear what action has been taken against the maid, but the incident serves as a warning to parents and guardians to be cautious when hiring domestic help.

It is important to carry out thorough background checks and monitor the behavior of domestic staff to avoid incidents like this.

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In conclusion, the incident is a reminder of the need for caution and vigilance when dealing with domestic staff, especially those who take care of children.

The video has sparked outrage and raised awareness about the importance of proper vetting and monitoring of domestic staff.

It is hoped that this incident will serve as a wake-up call to all parents and guardians to be more vigilant in the future.

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