So SAD: Man Arrested For [email protected] Heavily Pregnant Sister To De@th

3 Min Read

Just days after her baby shower, a California man was allegedly arrested for fatally st@bbing his very pregnant sister and lighting her body af!re.

Aaron Dudley, 41, was detained on Wednesday, December 14 in connection with the murders of N’kya Rebecca Logan, 26, and her unborn son in Fresno, according to the Fresno Police Department.

Logan’s smoldering body was found Tuesday, December 13, in the 4400 block of North Cornelia Street, next to an apartment complex.

When police were called to the scene, a witness reported seeing a suspicious individual drive a rubbish can along an unpaved road close to the housing complex before lighting its contents on fire.

Dudley was allegedly seen pushing the trash can in the vicinity on the day of the incident, according to surveillance footage, according to the police.

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Police were carrying out a search warrant at the west Fresno home that Dudley occupied with his sister and their mother when he tried to flee and was caught.

According to the authorities, Logan had her baby shower on December 11, just two days before she was k!lled, while she was 36 weeks pregnant.

The k!lling, according to Fresno Police Chief Paco Balderrama, was “horrific.” Noah was Logan’s planned baby boy’s name, according to Balderrama.
And according to the chief, the child was st@bbed numerous times inside the uterus and did not survive.

Investigators think Dudley st@bbed his younger sister multiple times with an edged object, deposited her body in the city garbage can, rolled the can four blocks to the dirt road, doused the corpse with gasoline, and lit it ablaze.

Police could not provide any information as to what might have caused the k!lling, but they did disclose that on July 28, 2021, they were summoned to the residence of the siblings after Logan reported feeling unsafe.

Man Arrested For Heavily Pregnant Sister To De@th
N’kya Rebecca Logan


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