Omah Lay Vows To Fan Never To Touch Waists Of Other Ladies In Music Videos

By Stermy
2 Min Read

Popular Nigerian singer, Omah Lay has vowed never to touch or hold the waists of ladies in her music videos from now going forward.

Omah Lays’s promise was made to a female fan who actually called out the 25-year-old singer over his ‘provocative display’ where he is seen touching the waists of different females in his music videos.

The female fan who is identified as Queen Busayo registered how it bothered her and asked him to quit such an act because it stirs up jealousy in her.

Addressing the issue on Twitter Busayo tweeted; “Omah Lay pls stop touching other girls’ waists in your music videos, it makes me jealous.

Her tweet, however, caught the attention of the 25-year-old singer who responded to her by saying ‘Done’ as his reply to her tweet.

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