Survivor Describes Actor’s Last Moments, Reveals Cause of Boating Accident [video]

One of the survivors of the boat accident that claimed the life of Nollywood actor Pope Obumneme Odonwodo, popularly known as Junior Pope, Tochukwu Okafor, often referred to as TC Virus, has shared his last moments prior to the catastrophe.

TC claims that the inexperience of the guy operating the boat was the cause of the accident.

Read More: ‘We finally lose am’ – AGN president confirms actor Junior Pope death

While returning from a filming site, four performers, including Junior Pope, perished in their boat that sank on the Anam River in Anambra State.

Junior Pope’s death was verified by Actors Guild of Nigeria President Emeka Rollas on Thursday, who also stated that three further remains were still missing.

TC, though, stated during an Instagram Live session,

“Before I entered the boat, the first thing Junior Pope asked me was ‘What I’m I doing?’ And I said I was observing the water people. I can’t pass without sharing something. I have given them Fanta, so I don’t want anything bad to happen to me. Junior Pope agreed.“While we were going, the boat guy was wearing an earpiece, and Junior Pope was doing a video, I saw a small canoe with fishermen in front and due to his lack of experience, he drove right into the last point of the canoe and we somersaulted.”

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