Bundesliga Strikes Game-Changing Deal with Coupang Play for Tis Reason

In a groundbreaking move, Bundesliga International has solidified a long-term strategic partnership with Coupang Play, Korea’s premier digital streaming service.

Commencing from the 2024-25 season, this agreement grants Coupang Play exclusive rights to Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 matches, the German Supercup, and the highly anticipated relegation play-off matches.

Coupang Play, already recognized as the go-to platform for football enthusiasts in Korea, will not only broadcast matches but will also introduce innovative Bundesliga offerings.

Among these is “Goal Arena,” a feature allowing viewers to witness all the action from the five simultaneous Saturday evening matches.

Bundesliga Strikes Game-Changing Deal with Coupang Play for Tis Reason

Additionally, plans are underway to launch Bundesliga’s acclaimed “Interactive Feed,” enabling fans to personalize their viewing experience according to their preferences.

The partnership goes beyond streaming rights, as both entities pledge to collaborate on projects fostering football development in Korea.

This includes marketing initiatives, knowledge-sharing on technological advancements, and the inclusion of Bundesliga teams in the prestigious Coupang Play Series—an elite pre-season event held in Korea.

Furthermore, Bundesliga International and Coupang Play are set to shape the future of Korean football through the “Bundesliga Dream” initiative.

This program aims to bring the best young talent from Korea to train and play in Germany, creating a long-term talent development platform and content format to boost football in Korea.

Bundesliga Strikes Game-Changing Deal with Coupang Play for Tis Reason

Peer Naubert, Bundesliga International Chief Marketing Officer, emphasized that the partnership extends beyond a broadcast agreement.

Naubert expressed excitement about supporting the identification and development of future Korean football stars, citing Coupang Play as the ideal partner for this transformative journey.

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Head of Coupang Play, Stephen Kim, echoed this sentiment, stating that the partnership aims to contribute to the advancement of Korean football through comprehensive collaboration encompassing technology and youth talent development.

The Bundesliga has been a home to Korean talent, boasting legends like Cha Bum-Kun and current national team captain Son Heung-min.

With the recent additions of Kim Min-Jae, Jeong Woo-Yeong, and Lee Jae-Sung, Bundesliga stands out as the hub for Asian players in European football.

This partnership with Coupang Play marks a significant milestone in the continued growth and global reach of Bundesliga football.

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