Deputy Minister Reviews Drainage Systems

By Majesty 2 Min Read

Dr. Prince Hamid Armah, the deputy minister of works and housing, has reaffirmed that the ministry is dedicated to addressing the recurring flooding in certain regions of the nation. 

The promise was provided by the Deputy Minister, who also serves as the MP for Kwesimintsim in the Western Region. On Saturday, he braved the rain to examine some drainage facilities that are being built in the constituency’s flood-prone areas. 

The Racecourse storm drain, Apollo drainage site, Eyile storm drain, Evale storm drain, and Adientem storm drain were a few of the projects that were inspected. 

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The remaining ones included, among others, the Nyamebekyere road, the SSNIT Inner Roads, the Choice Mart to “I Adu” drain, the Choice Mart Bridge, the Anaji Fie drainage, and Whindo Bridge. 

He clarified that the ministry’s mandate required it to devise solutions to address the nation’s flooding issues, including enhancing the nation’s diverse drainage infrastructure. 

One of the low-lying and flood-prone locations in the Western Region is the Kwasimintsim Constituency.

 Therefore, he said, “I thought it wise to come home to where I represent the people in Parliament and inspect some of the ongoing projects as a newly sworn in Deputy Minister of Works and Housing.

I was appointed and sworn in as the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing by the President,” he said. “On Monday, with God willing, I will begin my official duties,” he informed his constituents. 

The locals expressed their gratitude to the MP for his excellent work and gave him their unwavering support in ensuring that he is successful in his new role. They hoped that since their MP serves as the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing, all of the constituency’s flooding issues would be resolved, making the area a flood-free constituency.

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