I’m devoted to my woman, not Efia Odo,” says Kwesi Arthur

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kwesi arthur & efia odo

Ghanaian rapper Kwesi Arthur revealed that he is no longer in communication with Efia Odo, his former lover.

Kwesi Arthur disclosed that he is now married in a recent interview on Hitz FM.

Kwesi Arthur expressed his delight, showing that he has moved on from the emotional upheaval he had experienced in the past as a result of his relationship with Efia Odo.

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“I haven’t spoken to her at all. I don’t know her at all. It’s been a long time since I chatted with her.

The vocalist of Grind Day stated he was married to a very respectable woman. Noting that it would not be appropriate to stay in contact with Efia Odo.

“I believe that talking negatively about other ladies is completely disrespectful to the lady I have. Other than my girlfriend, I don’t wish to discuss other women. He groaned.

Efia Odo admitted in an interview last year that she and Kwesi Arthur dated for more than two years before breaking up.

“I believe that talking negatively about other ladies is completely disrespectful to the lady I have. Other than my girlfriend, I don’t wish to discuss other women. He groaned.

Efia Odo admitted in an interview last year that she and Kwesi Arthur dated for more than two years before breaking up.

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