Taj Jackson Criticizes Chris Rock for Making a Michael Jackson Pedophile Joke

By Stermy

Chris Rock faces backlash for controversial comparison of Michael Jackson to R. Kelly in comedy routine about cancel culture.

While Jackson was acquitted of child molestation charges in 2005, Kelly was convicted of sex trafficking and child pornography charges in 2021 and 2022.

Taj Jackson, Michael Jackson’s nephew, spoke out against Rock’s joke about his late uncle, who passed away in 2009 from a reported drug overdose.

“Chris Rock has used my family as punching bags for his entire career. Yet I am supposed to feel bad for him getting slapped and humiliated on the Oscars,” tweeted Taj Jackson on Monday.

The 3T member added, “After seeing a new clip of him attacking my dead uncle in the first minutes of his ‘Retaliation-I’m still relevant’ special, I have 3 things to say.”

He continued, “1. What did my family ever do to you to warrant these decades of harassment and your constant bullying [disguised] as jokes? 2. Just because you were bullied early on in life doesn’t give you the excuse to bully others now. 3. Thank you, Will Smith.”

The 94th Academy Awards became a trending topic around the world after Best Actor winner Will Smith smacked Chris Rock in the face during the live broadcast. The Oscar Slap led to Smith receiving a 10-year ban from any Academy event.

Rock made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith’s bald head during that 2022 Oscar ceremony. Will Smith’s wife suffers hair loss from the medical condition known as alopecia areata. Smith eventually apologized to Rock in a YouTube video.

See This: Michael Jackson Biopic Gets $21 Million in California Tax Credits

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