Tanker drivers’ union ends strike

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The sit-down strike by drivers of fuel tankers has been called off. Because of what they saw to be subpar service, the drivers decided to go on strike. 

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the Ghana National Petroleum Tanker Drivers Union, as they are formally known in Ghana, declared an indefinite sit-down strike in protest of worsening working conditions, especially in relation to compensation. 

However, the tanker drivers called off the sit-down strike in a communiqué following a meeting with all relevant parties. 

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According to the announcement, a framework for their compensation has been decided upon, and by the end of June 2024, the framework’s implementation is scheduled to begin. 

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) and the sector Ministry, according to union members, have refused to put into effect a previously agreed-upon policy framework that aims to improve their salaries and other working conditions. The policy has been pending since November 2023.

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