A man from Xianyang City, China, had to undergo emergency surgery after rupturing his facial artery during an intense nose-picking session.
According to a short clip shared online by his wife, the man had always been a devoted nose-picker. Whether standing, sitting, or lounging in bed, his finger rarely strayed far from his nostrils. But his favorite pastime turned into a medical emergency when one fateful pick triggered a relentless nosebleed that simply refused to stop.

After trying and failing to control the bleeding at home, the couple rushed to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed the man with a ruptured artery. He was immediately prepped for emergency surgery to repair the damage.
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The drama didn’t end there, though. The man’s wife captured the entire ordeal on camera, including her playful yet biting remark after the operation: “Honey, why don’t you pick your nose? Get up and pick it again.” She later posted the video online, presumably as a cautionary tale for other dedicated nose-pickers. Watch the video here.
Medical experts frequently caution against nose-picking, citing risks like infections, damage to the nasal lining, and in extreme cases, ruptured blood vessels or arteries.
While many treat it as a harmless habit, this man’s story serves as a stark reminder that sometimes, even the most mundane hobbies can go spectacularly wrong.