EF English Proficiency Index by Country

By Stermy

The latest EF English Proficiency Index (EPI) analyzing skills in the English language at a national level has been published.

What Is EF English Proficiency Index?

The “EF English Proficiency Index” is an annual report that assesses and ranks countries based on their English language proficiency. The index is compiled and published by Education First (EF), an international education company that specializes in language training and cultural exchange programs.

The EF English Proficiency Index aims to provide insights into the English language skills of adults in different countries around the world. It measures various aspects of English proficiency, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening, through a standardized test.

The test is taken by a sample of adults in each country, and the results are then analyzed to determine the overall English proficiency of that country’s population.

The process of how the EF English Proficiency Index comes to a conclusion in selecting and ranking countries involves several steps including; Sample Selection, Test Administration, Scoring and Analysis, Ranking and Index Calculation, and Report and Findings.

Just so you understand, the ranking is for countries classified as non-native English speaking, and the latest released was published in November 2022, Check out the list ofrankings by countries below

Global Ranking of Countries

2022 RankCountry2022 Score
1EF English Proficiency Index by Country Netherlands661
2EF English Proficiency Index by Country Singapore642
3EF English Proficiency Index by Country Austria628
4EF English Proficiency Index by Country Norway627
5EF English Proficiency Index by Country Denmark625
6EF English Proficiency Index by Country Belgium620
7EF English Proficiency Index by Country Sweden618
8EF English Proficiency Index by Country Finland615
9EF English Proficiency Index by Country Portugal614
10EF English Proficiency Index by Country Germany613
11EF English Proficiency Index by Country Croatia612
12EF English Proficiency Index by Country South Africa609
13EF English Proficiency Index by Country Poland600
14EF English Proficiency Index by Country Greece598
15EF English Proficiency Index by Country Slovakia597
16EF English Proficiency Index by Country Luxembourg596
17EF English Proficiency Index by Country Romania595
18EF English Proficiency Index by Country Hungary590
19EF English Proficiency Index by Country Lithuania589
20EF English Proficiency Index by Country Kenya582
21EF English Proficiency Index by Country Bulgaria581
22EF English Proficiency Index by Country Philippines578
23EF English Proficiency Index by Country Czech Republic575
24EF English Proficiency Index by Country Malaysia574
25EF English Proficiency Index by Country Latvia571
26EF English Proficiency Index by Country Estonia570
27EF English Proficiency Index by Country Serbia567
28EF English Proficiency Index by Country Nigeria564
29EF English Proficiency Index by Country Switzerland563
30EF English Proficiency Index by Country Argentina562
31EF English Proficiency Index by Country Hong Kong561
32EF English Proficiency Index by Country Italy548
33EF English Proficiency Index by Country Spain545
34EF English Proficiency Index by Country France541
35EF English Proficiency Index by Country Ukraine539
36EF English Proficiency Index by Country South Korea537
37EF English Proficiency Index by Country Costa Rica536
38EF English Proficiency Index by Country Cuba535
39EF English Proficiency Index by Country Belarus533
40EF English Proficiency Index by Country Russia530
41EF English Proficiency Index by Country Ghana529
42EF English Proficiency Index by Country Moldova528
43EF English Proficiency Index by Country Paraguay526
44EF English Proficiency Index by Country Bolivia525
45EF English Proficiency Index by Country Chile524
45EF English Proficiency Index by Country Georgia524
47EF English Proficiency Index by Country Albania523
48EF English Proficiency Index by Country Honduras522
49EF English Proficiency Index by Country Uruguay521
50EF English Proficiency Index by Country El Salvador519
51EF English Proficiency Index by Country Peru517
52EF English Proficiency Index by Country India516
53EF English Proficiency Index by Country Dominican Republic514
54EF English Proficiency Index by Country Lebanon513
55EF English Proficiency Index by Country Uganda512
56EF English Proficiency Index by Country Tunisia511
57EF English Proficiency Index by Country Armenia506
58EF English Proficiency Index by Country Brazil505
58EF English Proficiency Index by Country Guatemala505
60EF English Proficiency Index by Country Vietnam502
61EF English Proficiency Index by Country Nicaragua499
62EF English Proficiency Index by Country China498
63EF English Proficiency Index by Country Tanzania496
64EF English Proficiency Index by Country Turkey495
65EF English Proficiency Index by Country   Nepal494
66EF English Proficiency Index by Country Bangladesh493
67EF English Proficiency Index by Country Venezuela492
68EF English Proficiency Index by Country Ethiopia490
69EF English Proficiency Index by Country Iran489
70EF English Proficiency Index by Country Pakistan488
71EF English Proficiency Index by Country Sri Lanka487
72EF English Proficiency Index by Country Mongolia485
73EF English Proficiency Index by Country Qatar484
74EF English Proficiency Index by Country Israel483
75EF English Proficiency Index by Country Panama482
76EF English Proficiency Index by Country Morocco478
77EF English Proficiency Index by Country Colombia477
78EF English Proficiency Index by Country Algeria476
78EF English Proficiency Index by Country United Arab Emirates476
80EF English Proficiency Index by Country Japan475
81EF English Proficiency Index by Country Indonesia469
82EF English Proficiency Index by Country Ecuador466
83EF English Proficiency Index by Country Syria461
84EF English Proficiency Index by Country Kuwait459
85EF English Proficiency Index by Country Egypt454
86EF English Proficiency Index by Country Mozambique453
87EF English Proficiency Index by Country Afghanistan450
88EF English Proficiency Index by Country Mexico447
89EF English Proficiency Index by Country Uzbekistan446
90EF English Proficiency Index by Country Jordan443
91EF English Proficiency Index by Country Kyrgyzstan442
92EF English Proficiency Index by Country Azerbaijan440
93EF English Proficiency Index by Country Myanmar437
94EF English Proficiency Index by Country Cambodia434
95EF English Proficiency Index by Country Sudan426
96EF English Proficiency Index by Country Cameroon425
97EF English Proficiency Index by Country Thailand423
98EF English Proficiency Index by Country Haiti421
99EF English Proficiency Index by Country Kazakhstan420
100EF English Proficiency Index by Country Somalia414
101EF English Proficiency Index by Country Oman412
102EF English Proficiency Index by Country Saudi Arabia406
103EF English Proficiency Index by Country Iraq404
104EF English Proficiency Index by Country Ivory Coast403
105EF English Proficiency Index by Country Angola402
106EF English Proficiency Index by Country Tajikistan397
107EF English Proficiency Index by Country Rwanda392
108EF English Proficiency Index by Country Libya390
109EF English Proficiency Index by Country Yemen370
110EF English Proficiency Index by Country Democratic Republic of the Congo367
111EF English Proficiency Index by Country Laos364
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