CHECK OUT Stats: Chef Faila Dishes Up Over 150+ Meals in 10-Day Feat And…

By Riddy10 3 Min Read

At the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2023, Failatu Abdul-Razak, a renowned Ghanaian chef, embarked on a culinary journey that would test her skills, endurance, and determination.

Her goal? To break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual.

After ten days of relentless cooking, Chef Faila, as she is affectionately known, brought her cook-a-thon to an impressive close.

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CHECK OUT Stats: Chef Faila Dishes Up Over 150 Meals in 10-Day Feat

The Modern City Hotel in Tamale witnessed the culmination of this daring attempt, with Ghanaians present to witness culinary history in the making.

While the official certification of the record is pending, Chef Faila has generously shared insights into her extraordinary feat.

According to a post on her social media page, the Executive Chef successfully cooked a staggering 156 meals, investing a total of 227 hours into this culinary marathon.

The impact of her efforts extends beyond the kitchen, as 2,864 plates were served during the marathon, with 450 of them donated to orphanages, homeless shelters, and less privileged individuals.

Chef Faila’s dedication to giving back to the community adds a heartwarming dimension to her record-breaking endeavor.

CHECK OUT Stats: Chef Faila Dishes Up Over 150 Meals in 10-Day Feat

In a press conference held on Wednesday, January 10, Chef Faila revealed a hidden challenge that nearly derailed her ambitious cooking marathon.

Mysteriously falling ill on the eve of the event, she faced a daunting decision. However, driven by a commitment to her team, the people of Ghana, and the government’s vested interest in the project, Chef Faila persevered.

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“I was not sick, but it came out of the blue moon, and I could not get out of bed. But I couldn’t disappoint my team members, Ghanaians, and even the government which had taken so much interest in the project,” she shared.

CHECK OUT Stats: Chef Faila Dishes Up Over 150 Meals in 10-Day Feat

Chef Faila’s journey goes beyond breaking records; it’s a testament to her resilience, determination, and passion for both the culinary arts and community service.

As Ghanaians eagerly await the official certification of her Guinness World Record, Chef Faila’s story is already inspiring many, proving that the true essence of achievement lies not just in breaking records but in overcoming unexpected challenges with grace and perseverance.

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