Diamond Appiah criticises Charlie Dior, claiming Bobrisky is more fashionable than him

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Diamond Appiah, the controversial self-acclaimed entrepreneur, has taken aim at fashion critic Charlie Dior over remarks he made on the attire worn by certain celebrities during the Telecel Ghana Music Awards

She claims that Bobrisky, a transgender woman from Nigeria, has a better sense of style than Charlie Dior. 

Charlie Dior is renowned for consistently correcting Ghanaian celebrities when they show up at fancy occasions wearing unsuitable attire. 

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Charlie Dior criticised the attire certain celebs wore to the TGMA on his social media accounts. 

While praising people with extraordinary senses of style like Lydia Forson, Adwoa Noella, Kwabena Kwabena, and Stonebwoy

He berated the majority of the TikTok celebrities for their garish attire. He chastised Dacosta, Akonoba, Wesley Kesse, and numerous others. 

In response, Diamond Appiah believes Charlie Dior has the necessary expertise to be a fashion critic because he is ignorant of the industry. She asserted that Bobrisky, the cross-dresser from Nugeria, is a more skilled fashion designer than Charlie Dior.

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