Drake’s Lawyers Push Back On XXXTENTACION Murder Trial Deposition

By Stermy

Drake’s legal team has replied to reports that he was being sought for a deposition in the trial involving XXXTentacion’s murder in 2018.

According to a Rollingstone story on Monday (February 13th), Drake’s lawyers had responded to both the original subpoena and a subsequently announced order from a judge.

According to the article, Drake’s team is calling the subpoena efforts “unreasonable and oppressive” for a variety of reasons, the most notable of which is that Drake has not been identified in “any investigation” in connection with the tragic shooting.

“No evidence has been provided to substantiate the assertion that [Graham] in any way contributed to, had knowledge of, or participated in the alleged incident and to mandate that he appear for deposition for something that he very clearly has no relevant knowledge of is unreasonable,” Drake’s lawyers said, per court filings cited in Monday’s report.

In short, a lawyer representing one of the three suspects in XXXTentacion’s murder had first attempted to subpoena Drake in January. Shortly after, a judge granted an order that would require Drake to appear for a deposition later this month.

As for why Drake is being mentioned at all, Jessica McKinney recently broke down this facet of the case for Complex. Read the full piece here. Oft-mentioned (including in opening statements from the suspect’s defense attorney) is a later-removed social media post from XXXTentacion that read, “If anybody kills me, it’s Drake.” X later said he had been hacked.

As for prosecutors, they have not expressed support for the attempted Drake connection from the defense. It’s also worth pointing out that surveillance video and phone data do not suggest that any alternate theory being floated is likely.

In June 2018, XXXTentacion was shot multiple times outside RIVA Motorsports in Florida. Following an investigation, four men were charged in connection with the murder. One of those men, Robert Allen, was revealed to have struck a plea deal last August. As part of that agreement, he testified against the remaining three suspects: Michael Boatwright, Trayvon Newsome, and Dedrick Williams.

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