Empress, Noko Fine – Adorable Video As McBrown Gushes Over Empress Gifty At A Program

By Majesty 1 Min Read

Actress Nana Ama McBrown and Empress Gifty recently crossed paths at a fashion event where they were both invited as guests. 

In a video circulating online, McBrown enthusiastically praised Empress Gifty upon her approach, showering her with compliments like “Empress” and “Noko Fine.” 

McBrown, visibly delighted, engaged Gifty in a friendly chat after pulling her aside.

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Expressing her admiration, Nana Ama McBrown remarked that Empress Gifty bears a resemblance to her sibling, emphasizing similarities in facial features and weight. 

The interaction culminated in a warm hug, showcasing McBrown’s genuine and welcoming demeanor.

Despite any criticisms McBrown may face, her hospitality and warmth towards others shine through, as evident in this heartwarming encounter.

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