Daddy Changed The World: George Floyd biopic in the works

By Stermy 4 Min Read

A family-authorized George Floyd biopic, titled “Daddy Changed the World,” is currently in the works

The upcoming biopic will be coming from Radar Pictures, in collaboration with 8 Queens Film & Media Productions and Night Fox Entertainment.

Daddy Changed the World, according to reports, will capture the life of the man whose murder in 2020 sparked a global racial reckoning and fueled the movement against police brutality.

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It is confirmed that Gregory R. Anderson (“Stomp the Yard”) will write the screenplay for the movie, while Ted Field serves as producer for Radar Pictures, alongside Dr. Kaeita Rankin for 8 Queens and Timothy Christian for Night Fox. According to Deadline, the film is still in search of a director.

News of the project comes ahead of the fourth anniversary of Floyd’s horrific murder, which is this Saturday, May 25th.

George Floyd Biopic Is In The Works With His Daughter As Executive Producer Titled “Daddy Changed the World”, Floyd’s daughter, Gianna Floyd, and her mother, Roxie Washington are involved in the film.

The 46-year-old African-American, George Floyd was killed on May 25, 2020, after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and forced to lie face-down on the street. Floyd was arrested after allegedly attempting to use a counterfeit $20 bill at a store.

While suffocating, Floyd repeatedly called out “I can’t breathe,” which became a powerful slogan of the racial justice movement. In 2021, Chauvin was put on trial and convicted of second-degree murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

The following year, Chauvin was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for depriving Floyd of his constitutional rights. A federal jury also convicted three other Minneapolis police officers of violating the same criminal civil rights statute.

The biopic will apparently not portray Floyd as a perfect person, but rather a father with human flaws, whose horrific death changed the world. It will not be a traditional biopic, more a “gritty drama of a man and his community thrust into the fiery light of history,” according to a press release.

Floyd’s daughter Gianna Floyd and her mother Roxie Washington will serve as exec producers on Daddy Changed the World, ensuring the film’s authenticity and heartfelt connection to Floyd’s true story.

Washington said in a statement, “We are excited the world will see the real, jovial, and loving George we know. This film will humanize him, embody the essence of his life, and hopefully reignite efforts to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. It’s time for justice and equality for all.”

She added: “We need to make changes swiftly. No other child should lose their father like Gianna did. We thank everyone who stood with us and protested. George’s legacy will live on through this film.”

Kaeita Rankin, from 8 Queens, said that Daddy Changed the World aims to “inspire change and create a better future for generations to come. George Floyd’s legacy will not be forgotten, and I am honoured to be a part of this important project.”

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By Stermy
Stermy is one Crazy fan of the word "Internet". Always online to stay informed and keep others updated. #townflex