Ken Agyapong attends his daughter’s graduation from a US university

By Majesty 1 Min Read

Kennedy Agyapong, the Assin Central Member of Parliament, spent the weekend in the United States attending a graduation ceremony.

 The legislator was in Medford, Massachusetts, following his daughter Christabel Agyapong’s graduation from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. 

According to posts on Facebook published by the Announcer Newspaper, a pro-Agyapong group, she received a Masters in Global Business Administration. 

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A ceremony that served as a sort of family get-together was also attended by several of the Agyapong girls. Ken could be seen grinning broadly as he posed for pictures with Christabel and other colleagues in a number of films and pictures that were uploaded online. 

Christabel discussed her achievements in Cedi Life, the YouTube series the Agyapong sisters launched last year, as well as her educational background and work history. 

When she worked as an office assistant for the George Washington University Department of Biomedical Engineering in 2017, she talked about her exposure to marketing. 

She revealed that, although not having any direct marketing obligations, she was responsible for maintaining their social media accounts and publicising departmental activities for their student body.

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