Speaker Johnson vows to ‘fight back… with everything in our arsenal’ after Trump ruling

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The former president Trump was found guilty on Sunday, and House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., promised that House Republicans would exact revenge using “everything in our arsenal.

The speaker underlined the House’s oversight authority and declared their intention to utilise it against dishonest prosecutors. 

Speaker Johnson vows to 'fight back... with everything in our arsenal' after Trump ruling

But he made it clear that Republicans had to adhere to the “rule of law.” “We are the party of rule of law. The value of chaos is not conservative. 

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We must strike back, and we will do so using every tool at our disposal. But we’ll carry that out within the bounds of the law,” Johnson declared. “We have faith in our establishments. 

As conservatives, we are working to preserve the greatest nation in world history. And a big component of that is its institutions. An essential component of that is our justice system,” he continued.

Conservatives were incensed last week when Trump was convicted guilty on 34 felony counts of manipulating business documents in a Manhattan courtroom. Bream emphasised assertions made by certain conservatives that initiating criminal charges against Democratic lawmakers is the appropriate course of action.

Nonetheless, Johnson underlined that Republicans ought to uphold the legislation, citing the actions of House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio. 

What Donald Trump’s conviction means for the election

Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney, and the main prosecutors in Trump’s case have been called by Jordan to appear before the committee on June 13.

Voters who believe the former president’s prosecution was only motivated by politics have been energised by his conviction. He still needs to provide a defence to three more indictments.

Tens of millions of dollars have been raised by Trump’s campaign in the days following his conviction on Thursday. According to his campaign, they will earn almost $150 million this week.

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