VIDEO: GES sacks 8 free SHS students for insulting Akufo-Addo

8 Chiana SHS students were dismisseGhana Education Service for insulting Akufo-Addo, watch video below

By Stermy 3 Min Read
8 Chiana Free SHS students dismissed for insulting Akufo-Addo

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has sacked eight students for insulting the president of the Republic of Ghana, President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

The eight dismissed students were second-year students of the Chiana Senior High School located in the Kassena-Nankana West District of the Upper East Region.

It would be recalled that last year, some female students went viral in a video on social media where they were seen making ill comments against the president and also his Free SHS policy. Video uploaded and added at the end of the post.

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Prior to their dismissal, the students have been on suspension after getting identified by GES.

The management of GES at the national level last year released a statement stating investigations were being carried out into the matter and also apologized to the President on behalf of the students, school, and members of the public.

The Director General of the Ghana Education Service, Dr Eric Nkansah after the investigation in a letter dated November 29, 2022, directed the dismissal of all eight students from the school.

In GES’ dismissal letter, addressed to parents of the students following their misconduct described their behaviour as “very undesirable and contrary to the acceptable standards of conduct generally required of any student in our educational system in Ghana.”

The GES admonished the students to use the dismissal as “a major turning point in her life to bring the desired change in her behaviour and attitude towards life.”

Watch video of the students below.


UPDATE!: The 8 affected Students have however come back with an apology begging to be forgiven and given another chance.

The impacted pupils, in turn, said in a contrite video that they did not know what prompted them to engage in such an unruly act to disparage the President.

According to them, they were deeply sorry and that in hindsight they had regretted what they did, saying “we plead with President Akufo-Addo and the GES to give us a second chance as we would be of good behaviour”.

They said, “most of us are from poor homes with single parents who do not have money to register them for the private WASSCE examinations now as they are currently in final year students .

Watch the video below.

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By Stermy
Stermy is one Crazy fan of the word "Internet". Always online to stay informed and keep others updated. #townflex