Regina Daniels gifted brand new car by husband for Valentine’s Day

By Majesty 1 Min Read
Regina Daniels Receives Brand New Car As Val’s gift

Regina Daniels, a mother of two and actress/producer from Nollywood, got a brand-new car as Valentine’s Day from her billionaire spouse, Ned Nwoko.

She posted videos and images of the exquisite gift on her IG page

Regina Daniels flaunted her newly acquired curves on social media a few weeks ago.

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The two-mother uploaded the pictures to her Instagram account. Despite having two children, Regina has a bigger posterior and a smaller waist when seen closely in the pictures.

It is because of this that some have concluded she underwent a BBL operation.

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a surgery that removes fat from other parts of your body (liposuction) and enhances the appearance of your buttocks.

Without the need for subsequent treatments, the BBL may continue for decades. To prevent drooping brought on by the natural aging process, some patients choose to get a lift surgery in their later years.

Some opt for periodic skin tightening procedures to sustain their outcomes. BBL has surged in popularity, but some opt for cheaper practitioners, leading to complications. 

Regina Daniels’ photos suggest her billionaire husband secured top-notch medical care for her.

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