Prince David Osei reveals he missed a Hollywood opportunity because he is not gay

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Prince David Osei

Prince David Osei, an actor and filmmaker from Ghana, has given specific explanations for why he declined offers from Hollywood.

He asserts that the LGBTQ+ group is well-represented in the entertainment industry and says that if one succumbs to their S3xual advances, these gay guys will assist in advancing one’s performing career in Hollywood.

The well-known actor described an experience with a Hollywood executive who propositioned him with promises of advancing his acting career, subject to accepting unwanted sexual overtures, in an open interview with Nana Romeo of Accra FM.

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Since I had seen that from the start, it disheartened me. When we attended premieres and Q&As following the films, those were the people we saw everywhere,” he remarked.

The producer related a specific incident at a function in Los Angeles, where a Mexican Latino complimented him on his appearance and then made unwanted personal approaches in a crowded place.

The actor, who is renowned for his direct approach, snapped and punched the person who had touched him.

“He (the Mexican Latino) briefly touched my shoulder, but I didn’t give it any thought. However, later on, as the venue filled up, I felt my butt all pressed against. I turned around and punched him reflexively. “What’s going on?” was the question they all asked after that. “He just touched my bum,” I exclaimed. They burst out laughing.

“No, don’t touch me inappropriately,” I told them. The man who had touched me eventually moved aside and said, “Well, you need people like me if you really want to excel here.” You require individuals such as ourselves. Here, we are in charge. “I internalised that,” David Osei remarked.

The actor also mentioned that he told himself, “I can’t pay this price,” when he got back to his hotel. Definitely not worth it.

He hasn’t yet starred in a Hollywood movie, claiming that his encounter put him off.

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